‘PROs’ (Patient Reported Outcomes) are a set of questions that are completed by patients to provide information about your diagnosis. All PROs should be completed by you. In the below example, we see a ‘Food and Exercise PRO' Milestone. You can complete the ‘PRO’ by clicking on the ‘Milestone Due' box. Press the ‘Next’ button to continue answering the questions. Once you complete the PRO by answering all the questions and pressing ‘Submit', then the Milestone will be complete, and you will see a ‘Thank you’ screen. The Milestone count will be updated to reflect the correct number of Milestones Complete. You will receive an email stating ‘Milestone Completed’.
If at any time you want to stop completing the PRO, you can press the ‘x' button in the top right-hand corner of the screen to discard your selections and exit the PRO. This will result in the below message box where you can choose ‘YES’ or ‘NO’ to discard your results. Keep in mind that you can still go back later and complete the PRO.

Note: Below are sample PROs, PROs will differ as they correlate to the study you are enrolled in and your demographic or medical information.

When filling out a PRO, you should choose the relevant answer by clicking on the radio buttons, pictures, checkbox, etc. and pressing ‘Next’ or ‘Complete’ to continue.

Press ‘Submit’ to submit your answers for the PRO.

Below is an example of the email sent to you once the milestone has been completed.

Notice now that there are now 2 Completed Milestones (Enrollment and the Food and Exercise PRO).