Published On: 8/22/2023
Target RWE Strengthens Industry Leadership Position with Novel Real World Evidence Approaches Presented at ICPE 2023
DURHAM, N.C., Aug. 22, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Real world evidence leader Target RWE announced today that the company will be presenting innovative research surrounding advanced methods in the field of epidemiology and statistics at the International Society for Pharmacoepidemiology (ICPE) 39th annual meeting in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, August 23-27, 2023. Target RWE will also be presenting at a pre-conference educational session surrounding new research approaches to pragmatic randomized clinical trials.
Target RWE Chief Scientific Officer Jennifer Christian, PharmD, PhD, FISPE, and Kathleen Hurwitz, PhD, Director, Epidemiology, will be providing a pre-conference skills course, Methods and New Approaches in Pragmatic Trials, Wednesday, August 23, 2023, 2:00pm–6:00pm ADT. The course will cover fundamentals of pragmatic trial study designs and methods of analysis, as well as approaches for ensuring the generation of robust RWE. Participants will gain insight into current and recent pragmatic trial case examples with regard to their methods, implementation, operational challenges, and intended use as real world evidence.
"Our contributions at this year's ICPE meeting are a clear indication of our ongoing leadership expansion in the field of advanced epidemiology and statistics. Our innovative research and expert staff continue to pave the way for new thinking and new approaches that are changing the way that critical health data is aggregated and analyzed," said Dr. Christian.
Research highlights include (all times local ADT):
- Characterizing the Distribution of Multiple Negative Control Outcome Risk Differences, Saturday, August 26, 2023, 11:30am-1:00pm. David Pritchard, PhD, Director, Data Management and Statistics, Target RWE. Characterizing the results from multiple negative control outcome analyses as a distribution has demonstrated value in synthesizing the information provided by these analyses.
- Orthogonalized Regression for Causal Inference: A Pharmacoepidemiologist's Dream? Sunday, August 27, 2023, 9:00am-9:15am. Nuvan Rathnayaka, Manager of Biostatistics, Target RWE. This research demonstrates that in addition to being the most statistically efficient of these methods, orthogonalized regression is the simplest method to implement using standard regression models available in all statistical packages.
- An Analytic Method to Weight Longitudinal Treatment Patterns for Visualization with Sankey Diagrams, Sunday, August 27, 2023, 9:15am-9:30am. Catherine Wiener, Target RWE. Sankey diagrams are a tool that can visualize treatment use, switching, and discontinuation in a population over time. However, improper handling of incomplete follow-up can result in misleading visualizations. To combat this, Target RWE researchers propose a method to estimate treatment patterns that properly account for missing follow-up data in a population.
In addition, the International Society for Pharmacoepidemiology (ISPE) has announced that Dr. Christian will be the incoming Vice President of Finance. An annual meeting and awards ceremony will be held at the event on Saturday, August 26th to recognize the incoming officers and board members.
Target RWE is officially launching a suite of innovative analytical solutions called Syndicated Science™ Insights (SSI) at ICPE 2023. Team members will be onsite offering live demonstrations of Market Insights – one of three SSI offerings that give partners access to robust analytics tied to large claims databases.
About Target RWE
Target RWE generates real-world evidence (RWE) that informs strategic decisions across the drug development lifecycle. Our unique combination of clinical, analytical and technical expertise enables comprehensive insight generation from complete retrospective and prospective longitudinal patient journeys, with unparalleled scale and accuracy.
Visit our website to learn more:
Kayla Slake
Senior Manager, Marketing
984.234.0268 ext 205
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