
Engineered to answer research questions that no other analytical software platform can tackle

Easy-to-Use, Modern Causal Inference Methods to Answer Key Business Questions

Target RWE’s proprietary causalStudio™ platform addresses real-world challenges by providing a software solution that leverages validated analytics proven and trusted for regulatory decision-making. causalStudio™ is equipped with advanced epidemiological algorithms and innovative statistical methods that produce both accurate and reliable insights. Our platform provides the tools to address bias often found in real-world analyses by accounting for confounding variables.

With the ability to deploy on any system and with any type of data, our causalStudio™ platform includes two offerings that enhance your data-driven decision-making: causalRisk™ and causalPHR™. 


Validated and utilized to support regulatory decision-making, causalRisk™ simplifies the complex process of estimating the cumulative risk of outcomes, even in the presence of dependent censoring, missing data, confounding, selection bias, and competing risks.

  • Convenient R-based analytical packages designed for researchers and data analysts

  • Proprietary R packages that address complications in real-world data and can handle informative censoring, time-varying treatments, or time-varying covariates

  • Ability to conduct principled safety and effectiveness research using robust causal inference methods

Additional causalRisk™​ Capabilities Include

  • Range of helper functions to produce common plots and tables

  • Assessing the balance of confounders in an IPTW analysis

  • Handling multiple censoring variables

  • Estimating risk with more than two treatment groups

  • Summarizing weights

  • Propensity score distribution and trimming and truncation

  • Overlap, normalized, and stabilized weights

  • Bootstrap estimation

  • Estimation of cumulative count

  • Example data, vignettes, simulation functions, and testing/simulation scripts in a detailed user manual


Our causalPHR™ data visualization tool seamlessly connects with causalRisk™ to make visualizing, stratifying, and filtering analytical results straightforward and intuitive.

  • Integrates scientific content relevant across product lifecycle phases into an interactive report, with powerful filtering and stratification capabilities to visualize real-world data

  • Ability to easily view trends in forecasting and treatment pattern analyses to high-risk patient subgroup identification and policy monitoring

  • Drag-and-drop visualizations tailored for the life sciences industry, including cumulative risk plots, forest plots, maps, line charts, Sankey, and Sunburst diagrams, and more

  • Full peer review collaborative workflow, with a table of contents, commenting, and extensive methods section to build your research story

Real-World Case Studies with causalStudio™

Why causalStudio™?

causalStudio™ helps researchers navigate the complexities of real-world data to unlock cause-and-effect relationships that drive impactful decisions. Confidently run complex analyses and uncover causal relationships that drive informed decision-making that achieves precise and reliable outcomes.

Leading Technology: Apply data analyses and unlock rich insights with our leading analytical software platform developed by epidemiologists and statisticians for researchers

Regulatory Validation: Trust in analytical software that has been used and validated for regulatory decision-making

Comprehensive Solutions: Use tools that address the challenges of real-world data and identify meaningful insights

Flexible Deployment & Data Agnostic: Easily integrate our software platform on any system and utilize with any data source

Continuous Updates: Keep all study insights in one convenient location, with versioning and iterative updating functionality

Ready to Schedule a Demo?

Complete your contact information & a member from our team will be in touch to schedule a demo for causalStudio™.